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Ambitious Nanosatellites Program in Final Stretch

by Adem Alan
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The development program by universities and businesses for the launch of 12 nanosatellites (CubeSats) with innovative functions in communications and Earth observation is reportedly in the final planning phase.

Seven consortia, comprising 25 institutions, Greek universities and startups, selected by the European Space Agency and the Digital Governance Ministry’s General Secretariat of Telecommunications, have completed the design phase and are proceeding with the construction of the nanosatellites.

The project, with €15.7 million from the Recovery and Resilience Fund, introduces the Greek space ecosystem to the emerging global market for CubeSats, designed in 1999 in the US and since then operating as extremely popular space mission platforms, precisely due to their fast construction time and low cost.

Each consortium has unique capabilities in geo-observation and communications.

Source : Ekathimerini

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