Home » Kasselakis Land

Kasselakis Land

by Dilara Ceren
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At first, the shot is carefully balanced, focused on the face and the space, just enough to reveal a potential prime-ministerial profile. The polished desk, which also offers the reflection of the hands, the range of colors (red background, black jacket, white shirt, right and left the two flags, the Greek and the European, are slightly distinguishable, as soon as the shot is slightly opened), the eloquent editing – everything he says has been recorded. “I address each and every one of you whom I have met, listened to, embraced, from Sfakia to Dadia, from Rhodes to Ioannina,” we hear from SYRIZA leader Stefanos Kaselakis and watch the video.

In his online speech, Kasselakis states firmly and strictly that he was not only voted in as the new leader of the main opposition by a large majority; he is also the new “regime.”

Through this, surprising, personal video – “I came from afar, at the age of 35, to offer everything I could for a fairer society” – which also undoubtedly exudes power and authority, he promises us not only that he will “change everything,” but also that the Greece he envisions is like an ideal Barbie land without a trace of “cellulitis”: It is full of justice, security, education and health for all, pride, and creativity.

The unbridled platitudes and verbiage are accompanied by a threat of punishment for the “unruly,” who are responsible for the “ailing main opposition.” He is not calling it “corrupt like the top of [ruling] New Democracy” but “ailing.” And he, as the messiah, can heal it. Don’t be fooled by his photogenic, bright, presentable and communicative appearance, he seems to be telling us. He can get tough so that “hundreds of thousands of progressive and leftist citizens” are not “ashamed to say they support SYRIZA.”

He then announces that he will request a referendum “for the expulsion of the four party cadres who brutally insulted all of us.”

It is not so much the politics that count in this published video as the international language of the image, with which he bullies in the name of the people and for the people, as an elected leader. Seismic reactions feed her, laughter, like tears, feeds her. The spider’s web is no longer invisible. It is densely woven and compact.

Source : Ekathimerini

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